Tagged: Kansas City Royals

“Good news…I saw a dog today.”

I’ve been thinking about getting a dog lately and if I do decide to go through with it, I would probably adopt one from a shelter or something along those lines.  I don’t really care what type of dog I get, but to be able to “save” one would mean more to me than buying one from a breeder or the next door neighbor whose Poodle just had a litter and a half. 

The problem I face is that, if I get a dog, I would have to keep it at my girlfriend’s house because I don’t have room for one.  She isn’t too excited about the idea and has turned me down numerous times when I’ve asked her about it.  I always thought that if I propose to her it would be fun to adopt a dog , put the engagement ring on his paw, and have him walk in her house with it on. I could then yell, “Surprise!”  That way, if she told me I had to give the dog back I could say that the ring and the dog are a package deal–take it or leave, toots.  Plus, in the future if she was ever upset with me over something else, I can say, “remember when I proposed to you by adopting a dog?”  She would reflect back and think it was such a cute idea (this would be years down the line) that she would no longer be upset with me.

Either way, I still want to adopt a dog and what better place to find out more about adopting animals than through the Cleveland APL?!  This Wednesday, April 27 is our Fill the House for the Cleveland APL night at Progressive Field.  If you are interested in learning more about adopting an animal, they will have a table set up in the concourse behind section 155.   

As a reminder, the Cleveland APL will get $1.00 for every paid ticket at the game (so if 15,000 people buy tickets, they will get a check for $15,000).  So come out to watch the 1st Place Cleveland Indians take on the (tied for)2nd place Kansas City Royals and make the money you spend on a ticket count!  The Cleveland Animal Protective League’s mission is to foster compassion and end animal suffering through adoption, human investigations, spay and neuter, and education.